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Sequential update of properties linked to Broadlink device properties failed if these properties are updated with single method.
This could be demonstrated with properties updated via call to HYSEN.set_advanced(...).
How to reproduce:
Bind new device properties 'svh' and 'svl' to any MD device properties. Let's assume
svh is bound to therm1.svh
svl is bound to therm1.svl
setGlobal('therm1.svh', 10);
setGlobal('therm1.svl', 30);
This code will not store svh value due to second call to set_advanced() will use unchanged 'svh' property value.
Issue may be workarounded with 0.1s delay between calls (if your system is fast enough ;) :
setGlobal('therm1.svh', 10);
setGlobal('therm1.svl', 30);
but this workaround is not applicable to (e.g.) Simple Device properties configurator where one of these properties will be saved only.